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Coach Information

Know the Laws of Soccer


Welcome to EYSA and thank you for volunteering your time to coach!  Without coaches we would not have teams.  We are truly thankful for all of our coaches.


Please remember that EYSA coaches teach kids to "Play FAIR".  We expect all of our coaches to provide a fun and safe learning environment for our players.  Please refer to our general information page for additional information pertaining to EYSA rules.


Practices will be scheduled with the field scheduler.  Coaches are not to practice more than 3 hours per week. The suggested practice lengths are to be twice a week for at least the length of the games the players will be playing.  A practice schedule is on the front page.


Games vary based on the division but, generally they are on Fridays, Saturdays, and/or Sundays.  Game schedules will be posted as soon as they are available.


Your game behavior is extremely important as a coach.  You will serve as a role model for your players and their parents.  Please remember that the referee’s decisions are final and are not subject to appeal.  Please do not argue with the referee.  Any questions you have regarding a referee’s call during the game should be discussed with the referee after the game.  This discussion should be for clarification only and should not be negative in any way.


As a coach, you are also responsible for your team’s parents.  You are responsible for talking to any parent who exhibits behavior that is disruptive to the game or players.  Please refer your parents to the Parents Information section for additional information for appropriate game behavior and much more.


New coaches will receive a game ball and bag.  Additionally, many coaches find the following items helpful for coaching:


-  Cones

-  Scrimmage Jerseys/Pinnies

-  Clipboard with soccer field on it

-  Goalie Gloves


While the items above may be useful, they are not required.

Coaches' Meeting & Field Day

There is a coaches' meeting before each season and a field day to get the fields ready for the season.  All teams are required to have a representative (coach and/or parent) at both the coaches' meeting and field day.


Q: Is a background check required for coaches?

A: Yes, a background check is required for all coaches.


Q: Are there any requirements to be a coach?

A: All coaches must pass a background check and must be at least 18 years old.  Prior coaching or soccer  experience is preferred but not a requirement.  Coaches are requires to complete free KidSafe pass training


Q: Are coaches required to take any training?

A: While training is encouraged at any time, coaches are only required to take a coaching class after they have

      coached more than two seasons.


Q: Who should I contact when I or one of my parents have questions?

A: All questions should be directed to your age group commissioner.

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